Personal data protection
We cherish the trust of our customers, and therefore we maximally protect the data you provide to us when purchasing.
Use of data
Personal data of our customers are gathered only and exclusively for the purpose of improving the quality of provided services. Bc. Renata Štaudová, address: Dašická 1757, 530 03 Pardubice, business ID No.: 15010694, tax ID No.: CZ6751310544 (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), being the administrator and the entity processing personal data handles such entrusted data in compliance with Personal Data Protection Act No. 101/2000 Sb., is a duly registered personal data administrator, uses such data exclusively for the Company’s own use and does not provide such data in any form to third parties. (The only exception is external carriers who receive the minimum amount of personal data in order to complete their problem-free delivery.)
Customer information is kept in accordance with valid Czech legislation, especially with the Personal Data Protection Act, as annotated, and related regulations. Without the customer’s express consent to the contrary, the Company handles customer data only to the degree permitted by the Personal Data Protection Act, especially § 5(2) b) and § 5 (6).
Customer personal data are secured against misuse to their full extent. In the sense of the Personal Data Protection Act, § 5 (5) the Company, being a data administrator, is entitled to use a customer’s name, surname and address in order to offer its services. Upon a customer’s written request these personal data can be deleted from the database. The personal data administrator must not further process any personal data, not even in connection with its own business activities.
The customer hereby agrees that the information on his person will be further processed at the moment of registration.
Provision of data to third parties
Entrusted data are confidential and may not be, under any circumstances, provided to third parties. (Save for partners ensuring payment transactions; i.e. banks or loaning institutions which, however, always receive such information only in connection with a specific payment transaction and in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.)
The Company provides credible third parties and the public only with summarized statistic information on customers and on the Company. However, such statistics never contain information on the basis of which individual customers could be identified.